Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The moon is out, near full. I looked to see if she was up to her old tricks, but no. Tonight she is just a pretty ball of rock.

It's a quiet. The owl hasn't been around for a while, or if he is he has had nothing to say. No sounds of traffic, nothing on the town's streets, no rumors from the highway. Just the cool night air, holding its breath, waiting, for what, I do not know.
The moon is out, near full. I looked to see if she was up to her old tricks, but no. Tonight she is just a pretty ball of rock.

It's a quiet. The owl hasn't been around for a while, or if he is he has had nothing to say. No sounds of traffic, nothing on the town's streets, no rumors from the highway. Just the cool night air, holding its breath, waiting, for what, I do not know.